Tuesday, December 8, 2009


#1.) DO act as if you're being observed. Because you are.
#2.) DON'T talk about work. Well, okay, you can a little. But not a lot, and definitely not exclusively.
#3.) DO ask about a dress code. Typically, you'll be shooting for a slightly "fancier" version of your usual professional look.
#4.) DON'T spend the whole evening talking to the colleagues you spend all day with.
#5.) DO take this chance to get to know your other coworkers . . . and your boss . . . a little better.
#6.) DON'T drink too much. And if photos are being taken, put down your drink first.
#7.) DO act like you're happy to be there . . . even if you aren't. Your company is footing the bill, so try and act grateful.
#8.) DON'T flirt. With anyone. It's just a bad, bad idea.
#9.) DO take the opportunity to network with people in other departments, the higher-ups in the company, etc.
#10.) DO stay at the party for at least an hour. Otherwise, you'll give the impression that you didn't really want to be there in the first place.
#11.) DON'T be the last one to leave.
#12.) DON'T make a pig of yourself at the food table. You can eat later if you're still hungry.
#13.) DO speak and act in ways that make you appear intelligent, agreeable and sane.
#14.) DON'T talk politics or religion. And never tell dirty jokes, or use foul language
#15.) DO choose subjects that are cordial and uplifting . . . like hobbies, travel or books.
#16.) DON'T pull rank by, say, forcing your subordinates to get your drinks for you. That's really not cool.
#17.) DO hold your beverage in your left hand so that your right hand will be free and dry when you shake hands.
#18.) DON'T gossip. It's neither the time nor the place.
#19.) DO find out first if guests are invited. And if they are, only bring someone who will reflect well on you.
#20.) DON'T forget to thank the party organizers.

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