Thursday, July 1, 2010


According to U.S. News And World Report a lot of things are a much better deal if you buy them used . . . so that's what you should always do. They suggest 21 things, but here are the Top Ten . . .

#1.) DVDs and CDs: Because they'll play like new if they were taken care of. And if they're NOT perfect, there are still ways to remove the scratches and make them playable.

#2.) Books: Because . . . why not? Nothing really changes from a new book to a used book. Also, there's this thing called the LIBRARY.

#3.) Video Games: Since kids get sick of them really fast, or beat the game quickly, you can find cheap used versions online right after the release date. And most video game stores have a 'used' shelf.

#4.) Clothing For Special Occasions: Most people take really good care of formal clothing, but only wear it once or twice. It might sound strange, but if you hit up thrift stores, yard sales, or go online, you can get sweet deals on used formal-wear.

#5.) Jewelry: Jewelry is marked down a TON when it's re-sold . . . even diamonds. It's actually pretty ridiculous. You just have to be willing to hit estate sales or half-way reputable pawn shops.

#6.) Ikea Furniture: Don't bother assembling that crap on your own. Pick it up for dirt cheap . . . or even free . . . on Craigslist. Right now's a good time too, since college students are changing apartments and cities, and ditching their stuff.

#7.) Toys: Just like the video games, it's pretty rare these days for a kid's toy to amuse the little guy for very long. So go online, or just ask neighbors, friends, and family to trade with you.

#8.) Maternity and Baby Clothes: This one's sort of like the formal wear. There's such a brief window when the stuff actually fits, and you can save a ton of money. If the 'used' part freaks you out, friends and family may be the way to go.

#9.) Musical Instruments: When you're a beginner, there's just no reason to shell out for a new instrument. Because the lessons aren't cheap either.

#10.) Pets: Professional breeders and pet stores are expensive. You're looking at several hundred dollars, or even several thousand dollars. And occasionally, those places are shady.

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