Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Flagpole Sitta

Two Fridays ago, an unidentified 21-year-old man forgot his ID and was turned away from a bar where all the local war veterans hang out in Valley Falls, New York.

He was so angry of being denied entrance, the guy took down the American flag from the VFW's flagpole and set it on fire.

Well the members of VFW got pretty mad. So on Sunday, and they gave him three choices:

#1.) They could turn him over to the police.

#2.) They could beat him up.

#3.) Or they could Duct-Tape him to a flagpole for 6 hours, while wearing a sign around his neck identifying what he did.

The guy chose option number three and sat in the sun stuck to the pole outside of the VFW building. So far, no charges have been filed against anyone.

Here is a link to the news story.

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