Thursday, July 9, 2009


Maybe I was never hip growing up, but I never understood the whole fashion of wearing your pants really low so that your boxers were showing way above the belt loop. Apparently I'm not the only person confused by this.

Three years ago, 56-year-old Thomasina Clarke of St. Louis, Missouri, decided she was fed up with all the young punks walking around in sagging jeans.
So she went home and created a NEW type of jeans called Bagg'ns which have two separate waistbands.

#1.) One that goes around your waist.

#2.) And another that hangs low around your butt to create the ILLUSION that you're "sagging" . . . even though you're not.

Thomasina says, quote, "I've just always liked fashion and style. And I like saggy pants, just not when they show off underwear.

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